In compliance with the current legislation, Spotahome provides information regarding the cookies used in its website. This Cookies Policy explains what cookies are, what they are used for, our list of cookies and the way in which they can be set and disabled where appropriate.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are little text files which are stored on your computer, tablet, smartphone or any other device that allows browsing on the internet when you visit certain websites. The main purpose of cookies is to remember the user every time the website is visited, and they allow to improve quality and offer a better service.

Why do we use cookies?

Cookies are essential to experience the full functionality of internet and Spotahome uses them to facilitate the browsing through the website and to provide more efficient and personalized services. Cookies will not damage your device in any way. In fact, if they are activated in your browser, they will help us identify and solve any possible errors as well as know the performance of our website.

What type of Cookies do we use?

Below you can find the list of cookies that we use on our website. Please note that one cookie can be included in several categories.

  • Based on the owner of the cookie:

    • First Party Cookies: These cookies are managed by the domain to which the user is accessing and from which a certain service is requested.
    • Third Party Cookies: These cookies are sent to the user’s computer from a different domain which is managed by other collaborating entities.
  • Based on the duration of the cookie:

    • Session Cookies: These cookies are stored in the device from which the user is browsing only during the time the user is visiting the website and they disappear automatically when the user closes the web-browser.
    • Persistent Cookies: These cookies remain stored in the user’s device used to browse and its temporary duration equals the minimum essential time to perform its purpose. The duration and expiry date of these cookies can be found in the settings of your browser.
  • Based on the purpose of the cookie:

    • Technical Cookies: These cookies allow the user to browse through the website and use all the different options and services available. For example, these cookies allow the user to identify its session, remember the products in the basket or proceed with the purchase process.
    • Analytical Cookies: These cookies, when used properly by us or by third parties, give us statistical information on the user’s activity on our website. These cookies do not allow the identification of the user because the information collected is anonymous and will be used solely for statistical purposes and with the aim of improving the products and services offered.
    • Functional Cookies: When the user visits the website, these cookies allow the storage of information about the IP address, preferences, language chosen by the user, the type of browsing through which the user accesses the service and the regional setting from where the user visits the website, etc. with the aim of creating a profile based on the browsing habits so as to provide adapted content and offers that could be interesting for the user.
    • Advertising Cookies: These cookies are placed by third parties that manage the advertising spaces of Spotahome which are visited by the users. These cookies allow us to measure the effectiveness of our advertising spaces.
    • Behavioural Cookies: These cookies store information on the user’s behaviour obtained through the continuous web browsing activity which allows us to develop a specific profile to provide the user with relevant advertising.

Our list of Cookies

Spotahome connect.sid This cookie registers the login and manages bookmark storage as well as alert settings 1 year
Spotahome cookies-accepted This cookie saves the display of previous cookies information. 1 year
Spotahome sah-sse-* This cookie enables different versions of the website with the aim of performing tests for improvement purposes. 1 year
Spotahome gdpr-login-modal This cookie saves the display of the previous information about data protection information when the user is registered. 1 year
Spotahome _sp_id.* This cookie measures the behaviour of clicks on the website in an anonymous way with the aim of improving the user experience on the website. 2 years
Spotahome _sp_ses.* This cookie measures the behaviour of clicks on the website in an anonymous way with the aim of improving the user experience on the website. 2 year
Spotahome _fbp Facebook offers the user advertising according to its interests. 3 hours
Facebook fr This cookie allows Facebook to track a range of advertising products from external advertisers. 1 year
Facebook datr Through the security system called "Delta" used by Facebook, each login is checked to see if the user account is being fraudulently used by a third party. 1 year
Bing MUID This cookie tracks the Microsoft user ID which is used to help count valid clicks for ad targeting. 1 year
Bing MUIDB This cookie tracks the Microsoft user ID which is used for ad targeting. 1 year
Bing _uetsid This cookie is used to track Microsoft Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking (UET) which is used for ad targeting. 1 year
Double click IDE This cookie is used to improve and manage the exposure of advertisements to the user, avoiding them to be displayed when they have already been seen. 1 year
Google Analytics _ga This cookie is used to differentiate users. 2 yearS
Google Analytics _gid This cookie is used to differentiate users. 24 hours
Google Analytics _gat This cookie is used to limit the percentage of requests. 90 days
Google Analytics _gcl_au This cookie is used by Google Adsense to effectively experience advertising through the websites where the service is used. 1 minute
Google NID This cookie stores user preferences for advertising purposes. 1 year
Google 1P_JAR This cookie collects statistics. 1 year
Google __utmx This cookie is used to determine the inclusion of a user in an experiment. 18 months
Google __utmxx This cookie is used to determine the expiration date of experiments in which the user has been included 18 months
Google HSID This cookie enables the login function of the user’s origin. 1 year
Google SAPISID This cookie enables the login function of the user’s origin. 2 years
Google SID This cookie enables the login function of the user’s origin. 2 years
Google SIDCC This cookie enables the login function of the user’s origin. 90 days
Google SSID This cookie enables the login function of the user’s origin. 2 years
Google gwcc This cookie allows Google to track all call conversions on mobile devices. 90 days
Google cto_lwid This cookie is used by Google to collect anonymous information for its use in Google Adwords. Data is anonymous and helps Google deliver relevant advertising on other websites. Between 13 months and 2 years
Hotjar _hjClosedSurveyInvites This cookie saves the view of the survey invitation. It is used to make sure that the same invitation does not appear again if it has already been displayed. 1 year
Hotjar _hjDonePolls This cookie prevents a feedback poll to reappear. 1 year
Hotjar _hjMinimizedPolls Once the user minimizes the display of a poll, this cookie this cookie ensures that the poll stays minimized when the visitor navigates through the site. 1 year
Hotjar _hjDoneTestersWidgets Once the user has completed the Hotjar form, this cookie ensures that the form does not reappear. 1 year
Hotjar _hjMinimizedTestersWidgets Once the user minimizes the display of the Hotjar form, this cookie ensures that the form stays minimized when the visitor navigates through the site. 1 year
Hotjar _hjIncludedInSample This cookie allows Hotjar to know if a visit is included in the sample used to generate filters. 1 year
Zendesk __cfduid This cookie is used to identify individual customers behind a shared IP address and to apply the security settings per customer. 1 year
Zendesk __zlcprivacy This cookie stores the user’s decision on the JavaScript API of the cookies law. 1 year
Zendesk __zlcmid This cookie stores the user’s ID for the chat widget’s authentication. 1 year
Criteo uid This cookie collects information about the user and its behaviour, such as date and time of visits, most recently loaded pages and IP address. Data is used to analyse the traffic patterns and carry out surveys in order to help improve the user experience. 1 year
New Relic JSESSIONID This cookie is used to store a session identifier so that New Relic can monitor the session counts of an application. 1 year
New Relic login_idle_session_timeout This cookie is used to track browser performance on the website. 1 year
Zopim __cfduid This cookie is used to identify individual customers behind a shared IP address and to apply the security settings per customer. 1 year

How to set or disable Cookies?

You can allow, block or eliminate the cookies installed in your computer by setting the options of the browser installed in your computer. For further information on how to block the use of cookies, please visit the following links:

  • Internet Explorer: Settings -> Tools -> Internet options -> Privacy -> Settings. For further information, visit Microsoft support or the browsing help.

  • Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> History -> Customized setting. For further information, visit Mozilla support or the browsing help.

  • Chrome: Settings -> Show advanced options -> Privacy -> Content setting. For further information, visit Google support or the browsing help.

  • Safari: Preferences -> Security. For further information, visit Apple support or the browsing help.

If you have any questions on our use of cookies or on the setting or revocation of consent, you can contact us by sending an email to